Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Phaze 1V

 Phaze 1V


Phaze 1V c1978 was Andy Rothwell - Guttercat's first band -

Andy was in Phaze1V, Malias, Firefly, Insane Dice, Fridayz Angelz, Midnight Crisis, Gutter Cats, Guttercats (different band) over the years - all of which are mentioned on the site - see index.

Andy writes -

" During my last couple of years at Secondary School during the late 70's I began to get into all types of music that was around me at the time. My influences probably originated from there and I became the person I am today. I'd been into listening and copying Elvis Presley in singing and the way he moved, since as far back as I could remember. But the combination of Rock and Roll, Heavy Rock / Meta / Punk, and even Pop music, at the time started me on the road, for the need to be in a band, but firstly I tried to write songs (which incidentally I still ain't mastered / managed). I remember sitting in class writing these stupid lyrics and while walking from block to block in the school between lessons, I'd hum or sing the tunes to myself.

The year was about 1978 and I met up with some guys, from the year below me at school, during my final year at school. They had a common interest with me to form a band. My first band then, playing Rock music, was PHAZE lV. * We never got past rehearsal stages though and fell out with each other and split up. We couldn't really play that well, but we learnt as we went along. Rehearsals began in the front room of my parents house. Felt like a fish bowl though as I lived on a main road with cars, buses and people walking past all the time. We had the guitar / bass rigged to play through my Dad's stereo. My Dad was a Hi fi buff and had built these massive 4x4 speaker cabinets to listen to his music through. It was the same Hi fi that I'd listened to the 1st Van Halen album on, with the volume pumped up. We eventually started rehearsing at a school classroom not far from where I lived and relied on the guitarists dad to give us a lift there with the equipment we had now built up. Incidentally it was this 1st band that I was also playing bass guitar in, as well as singing. We'd got some guitar cabs and mics etc by the time we'd got ourselves into rehearsing at the school."

Next band Malias / Siren - see index.

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